Winner gets to workout with me. That’s what’s up.

Are you all sitting down? Okay listen up. Contest time.

Same entrance- go shopping at, use my promo code ‘kylethegirl’ (which will get you 20% off and free shipping in the US). Forward me the confirmation email at (SUBJECT LINE ‘CONTEST’ PLEASE. This way I can keep the entries separate from regular emails!)

Here’s the fun part. What do you win??

There will be more than one winner. I don’t know how many- I haven’t decided.

Third place winners will get priiiize packs. I don’t know what’s going to be in them- I’ve got some sweet ideas though. Cellucor gear, samples, protein bars, WHO KNOWS.

Second place winners- ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNERS. We will be text buddies for a week, and it will be grand fun.

WHAT ABOUT FIRST PLACE? Here’s the kicker for first place. Gotta be in the Virginia Beach/Chesapeake/Norfolk/Hampton/Suffolk/Portsmouth/Newport News area.

First place winner (or winners) get to work out with meeeeee! That’s right. Details to be sorted after winners are chosen- We’ll figure out when, what time, you can pick muscle group. We’ll either go to my gym, your gym, Planet Fitness, something like that. We’ll get a MONSTER gym session in, and then maybe grab some lunch! WHADDYA THINK OF THAT?!

SO. Get to shopping, forward me your confirmation e-mails. If you’re local to me, and you want to be entered in for the workout, make sure you let me know. Otherwiiiise you’ll be entered for the prize back or accountability partner!

YOU HAVE ONE WEEK!!!!! Confirmation e-mails must be forwarded to me (with the subject line CONTEST by THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24TH AT MIDNIGHT.

One thought on “Winner gets to workout with me. That’s what’s up.

  1. baby5164 says:

    This is great! I would love an accountability partner. It would definitely get me started on my journey; I just have no motivation whatsoever. I will order on Monday, I hope šŸ˜Š

What do YOU think??